onsdag den 16. februar 2011


After eating rice with curry every morning at every lunch and also at dinner time we have lost our appetite for it. WE MISS DANISH FOOD!

The village in Trishuli

One of the kitchen ladies on the orphanage; Chandra, invited us four volunteers to come and visit her family in the mountains of Trishuli. YES! We left Thursday morning and travelled for about 4,5 hours with bus and after this we walked 2 hours up, up, up.
We were exhausted after, but it was a fantastic trip cause the landscape out there was incredible. We’ve never seen anything like it. Terrace landscape. Mountain, river, flower fields, forest. Wow! When we came to the village it came very clear that these people do not see white people often. They were staring at us ALL the time and the children followed us everywhere which was extremely annoying. We spend three nights in the village and it was very uncomfortable and we didn’t sleep much because of the bad beds and the noises all around. And we were all a little bit sick some time during the stay. So not a perfect paradise but all in all it was a fantastic experience to live in the mountains the way Nepalese people do it. And they were so friendly – sometimes a little too friendly J

Bathing day

Our bed and below is the 'door' to our sleeping spot

staring children

Like nepali women

a school in the mountains
Elsebeth, Chandra, Camilla, Cecilie, Eva

mandag den 7. februar 2011

Patan, Kathmandu, Nepal

(The river: Trash everywhere)

We arrived safely Thursday at about 2 o´clock and had no problems on the trip at all. We feel very lucky, though we were extremely tired because we travelled for 30 hours with almost no sleep. Friday we came to the orphanage – Horac/Nepal. Home for rescue of the afflicted Children. It is in Patan which is a kind of suburb to Kathmandu. (Adress: 21214, Kopundole, lalitpur, Patan, Kathmandu, Nepal) There are about 30 children at the orphanage between 2 and 17 years old.
There is also two other volunteers here – Cecilie and Elsebeth and we ALL have blond hair so everybody is staring at us in the street. It is a little bit colder here than we thought, but it is okay because it is not okay to show too much skin. The children seem so happy at the orphanage and they are so sweet all of them. They have much better conditions than what we thought. Another surprise is that they are Christian – we went to church with them last Saturday.

The orphanages dogs. Sweetie and Lucky. The puppy Lucky is dead now cause it was hit by a car and the eye 'plopped' out (pretty gross)

Eva and another volunteer (Cecilie) and Duvek (we think)

Our room

Camilla and Eva in nepali

Regurlar food. They eat with their hands. It tastes good (mostly)

onsdag den 2. februar 2011

The adventure begins!

It is february 2. We took a flight early morning from Aalborg to Copenhagen. Now we are waiting 8 hours in Kastrup Airport for the next flight to Helsinki (and then Delhi and then our destination Kathmandu). A LOT of time here. Excited and maybe a little bit nervous but no problems so far. We cross our fingers :)
Goodbye Denmark. Hello sunny East.