fredag den 18. marts 2011

Chitwan Nationalpark, Nepal

Into the wild! The 15th we left Pokhara to go to Chitwan nationalpark.
We spent two nights here. We went on a canoe-trip and had crocodiles swimming next to us. Pretty scary, and our guide told us there were two sorts. One sort are only fish-eating but the other sort ate everything they could get near to - also humans! So we sat still in the canoe with arms inside.
Later we went for a jungle walk, but didn't see much. The fun began with elephant bathing. Camilla and I bathed togehter on one elephant and the 'Elephant man' we had was totally crazy and jumped all around and made us stand up on the elephant. A good bath and we fell in several times.Later we went on elephantback safari and saw wild Rhinos, deers, peacocks and lots of birds. No Tiger unfortunately, cause they are very rare.

maneating crocodiles swimming right next to us

Elephant bathing

Elephantback safari

Paradise Pokhara, Nepal

The 10th og march we went early to Pokhara. It is a fantastic city compared to Kathmandu - it is clean and calm and beautiful. The first morning we woke up at 4 A.M and walked to the top of a mountain close to, where we saw the sunrise, and got a clear view of Himalaya. The next couple of days we paraglided (awesome experience:D), mountain biked and sailed around in a boat on Phewa Lake. 

My new hair :) (Camillas work)

Camilla flying

Sunrise eaaarly morning

Annapurna and Macchapuchare

Waterfall inside a cave

mandag den 14. marts 2011

Goodbye party

We left the orphanage the 9th of march - big goodbye 'party' where we taught our friends danish folk dance.

lørdag den 5. marts 2011

Our nepalese life

We are getting used to our life in Nepal and are getting the feeling of ‘home’. Every day we get up at seven and then go to the orphanage at around eight. The children are playing, doing homework and around 9 they put on their school uniform, eat and then we follow them to school. It is only about 3 minutes walk from the home. After this we go home to our apartment and relax or go somewhere. We come back to the orphanage at 4 in the afternoon until about 8 or 9 in the evening. 
Nepal is great!
Favourite shop

Nepalese dresses

Playing at the ground

Our view

Hindu Camilla

fredag den 4. marts 2011

Lumbini, Nepal

After Dang we drove to Lumbini which is Buddhas birthplace. It was a funny trip and we learned alltogether that the president and Mam have very good humor.